• ABOUT US

    LRO - LOMAP (Law Office Management Assistance Program)

    The LRO Law Office Management Assistance Program assists lawyers with the set up and operation of their law office. Lawyers participate in the program by disciplinary order or diversion agreement. There are multiple levels of LOMAP involvement, from a full in-person office evaluation with ongoing monitoring, to a one-time consultation with a LOMAP attorney. LOMAP attorneys can provide participants with office structure or management assistance, as well as helping with forms and documents. LOMAP attorneys can also review and assist with IOLTA related issues.

    LRO - MAP

    The LRO Member Assistance Program is designed to assist lawyers with personal, emotional, financial or substance related issues that may be affecting their practice. Lawyers participate in the program by disciplinary order or diversion agreement. The services provided by LRO MAP vary from case to case, and are tailored to address the particular issues that have arisen in a lawyer’s life and practice. Common services include drug and/or alcohol screening and testing, counseling and financial monitoring.

    If you have any questions regarding either of the programs, please contact:

    Compliance Monitor
    Yvette Penar

    For the Quarterly Reporting Form click here.

    Compliance Fees

    Program Cost  
    LOMAP - Full Consultation $1,250.00 Per matter
    LOMAP - One Time Consultation $350.00 Per matter
    MAP Cost for independent evaluation varies by provider Per Matter
    Monitoring Fee $350.00 Per matter
    Trust Account Records Review $350.00 Per matter

    Costs may be incurred for missed appointments and not cancelling within 24 hours of scheduled appointment.