Arizona Attorney Magazine is the award-winning monthly publication of the State Bar of Arizona – providing a window into Arizona’s legal community with a global viewpoint. As Arizona’s primary resource of in-depth substantive legal content, it’s beautifully designed and includes engaging topical articles, Law Office Management feature stories and monthly recurring columns such as Eye on EthicsCivil Practice PointersThe Legal WordLet’s Practice and The Last Word. We also include law trends, policy and the people who make it all happen.

Our popular People, Places, Honors & Awards section provides timely information about happenings in our legal community... new or changing firms, attorneys on the move, who’s been recognized with honors or awards and other legal tidbits.

Arizona Attorney Magazine publishes 12 print issues per year, including a number of advertising guides to meet your needs – Expert Witness GuideMember-to-Member Referral GuideEstate, Probate & Elder Law GuideADR & Mediation Guide; and the Certified Legal Specialist Guide.

State Bar members receive Arizona Attorney Magazine free of charge as a State Bar of Arizona membership benefit. If you are a State Bar member and require assistance, please contact the Member Resource Center by phone, 602.340.7239 or email, rcwebsite@staff.azbar.org

Anyone may subscribe or purchase single/back issues. Please visit our subscription page for more information.