Initial Meeting | Introduction to the Legal Community | Professionalism | Law Office Management | Practice Development | Legal Ethics | Lawyer Well-Being | Professional Development | Mentoring Resources
One-to-One Mentoring Program
The One-to-One Program Mentoring Plan includes activities and experiences that should be used as guidance for the mentee and mentor during their meetings, whether virtual or in person. This plan consists of topics and activities that are divided into 8 categories. Each category has multiple activities. At least 1 category along with an activity should be discussed during your monthly meeting.
The mentor and mentee will discuss the mentee’s professional goals, interests and practice area(s) to develop activities using the Mentoring Plan and indicate which activities will be completed during the mentoring term. This Mentoring Plan is to be used as a guide and may be adjusted throughout the mentoring term based on the mentee’s needs and experiences. At your initial meeting you should introduce yourselves, discuss each participants expectations and to set future meetings.
A successful mentoring relationship is grounded on communication, trust, and candor. Whether meeting in person or virtually, please make sure you meet in a “place” that will allow for open, yet private communication. Keep in mind that communication includes both verbal and non-verbal components.
A monthly submission form is provided on the last page of this document so that you can document your monthly meetings. This form must be submitted each month by the 15th of the month following your meeting to obtain CLE credit. For example, if your meeting is June 5, you must submit the form by July 15. Please email the monthly submission form and cc your mentor partner to
Summary of the mentor curriculum
Initial Meeting
- Mentoring Plan will be discussed by both the mentor and mentee and planning for the completion of the curriculum will take place.
Introduction to the Legal Community
- This module will include discussions of professionalism in a variety of practice areas and venues, including courts, government agencies, in dealing with outside counsel, opposing counsel and clients. Professionalism discussions also include communication issues, as well as litigation and diversity issues.
Law Office Management
The State Bar of Arizona offers free and confidential advice on all aspects of law office (law practice) management through Practice 2.0, 602-340-7332. This includes a variety of topics including:
- Time management
- Case management
- Financial recordkeeping
- Working with interoffice personnel
- Use of technology in practice
How to develop the practice in an effective manner. Tools, resources, organizations, CLE presentations, and similar external tools that may be available to the mentee.
Legal Ethics
These discussions include ethics in private, government and corporate practice.
Member Well-Being
Professional Development

Mentoring Resources
- Rule 42 Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct
- Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct for Legal Paraprofessionals
- State Bar of Arizona Member Assistance Program-Mental Health or Substance Abuse Issues
- State Bar of Arizona Practice 2.0- Practice Management Assistance
- State Bar of Arizona Ethics Hotline-Ethical Conduct Advice
- CLE Courses:
Which can be accessed through the State Bar of Arizona On Demand (Online Seminars):
- Books:
Going Solo in Arizona, State Bar of Arizona e-book,
(This is also very helpful for lawyers starting a small practice.)
How to Start & Build a Law Practice (Career Series / American Bar Association) 5th Edition by Jay Foonberg, 2004.
- Part of ABA Young Lawyers Division 101 Practice Series: Breaking Down the Basics, 2007.
- Representing Clients in Mediation: A guide to optimal results based on insights from counsel, mediators and program administrators By Spencer M. Punnett II, 2019
- Articles:
- Professionalism
Six Best Practices for Effective Client Communication by Teresa Matich, 2019
Taming the Beast, How to Manage Difficult Clients by Kara Lowentheil, 2017
5 tips for a Successful Initial Consult by Jennifer A. Brandt, 2018 - Working with Others
6 things opposing counsel can teach you about being a legal professional by Jennifer Anderson, 2018 - Law Office Management
Flat Fee or Hourly? Pros and Cons of Billing Options by Ruth Carter, 2018
The ins and outs of law practice management software by Nicole Black, 2019
The Solo and Small Firm Resource Center of the ABA has a wealth of information and connections at: - Legal Ethics
When a Third Party Pays the Legal Fees: Attention to these issues at the outset will help you avoid ethical issues and get paid by Paula M. Bagge, 2019 - Lawyer Well-Being
Well-Being for Attorneys by Stewart Levine, 2019
American Bar Association Wellness, Mindfulness, Work-life Balance has a page listing multiple resources: - Professional Development
Changing Legal Practice Areas by A Harrison Barnes, Esq.
Top Legal Skills Competitive and Attractive legal skills for Job Seekers by Sally Kane, 2020 - Effective Self Promotion for Lawyers by Michelle Chui, 2017
- Professionalism